Cynthia was just about to turn sixteen when the unthinkable happened. Her mother was taken away by t..
Two murder victims and a suspect whose alibi appears open to doubt...Geraldine Steel is plunged into..
For James Mercer the financial ruin of his family by the institutions they trusted can never be undo..
British doctor Raj Patel puts his own life on the line to treat the injured in war-torn Syria. His m..
London 1950Peggy Ronoscki is happily settling into life running her guesthouse on Mulberry Lane surr..
He's dead. So says his own newspaper the Glasgow Gazette: Douglas Brodie 25 January 1912 - 20 July 1..
The Royal Air Force is synonymous with its heroic achievements in the summer of 1940 when Winston Ch..
Despite being part of the large O'Donnell family Milly has felt alone in the world since her father ..
1961. Lucia once dreamed of a man who would love her. She has lost hope because what man would when ..
From the shattered empire five kingdoms are emerging. Seleukos triumphant in the capture of Babylon ..
In the second instalment of The Conclave of Shadows.The Conclave demands its membership price from t..
Join James Beth and the regulars as they celebrate Whitsun and embark on another thrilling adventure..
Egypt 1869. Jack Lark has reinvented himself once more. Working as an unofficial agent for the Consu..
Mary is Queen of Scotland but has been forced to flee her land and take refuge in an England that is..
He needed a make-believe lover…It was such a strange request - Gray Chalmers asking Stephanie to p..